Whether you are just starting out, or looking to further your flying career, we bring you the knowledge and insider tips gleaned from our own lifelong careers in aviation. From choosing your first training school, to simulator tips from the expers … its all here on Pilot Career HQ.

Is a Pilot Career for you? Check out the wide vvariety of career paths for pilots.
Full time or Part Time? Flying School, AeroClub, Cadet Scheme or Military? We explain the various training options?
Whether its your first job after initial training or moving up the career ladder, check out our insider guides.
Pilot Resources: From basics to advanced. The inside information on Systems, Procedures and general aviation information.
Aviation Safety.
The most important thing in aviation is to understand and manage the risks inherent in flying. Checklists and procedures are there for a reason. Understand the reasons behing aviation accidents.
Real Life Stories.
Learn from experience. A wise old instructor once said … when you first become a pilot you are given two bags. A full bag of luck and empty bag of experience. Just hope that you fill up the bag of experience before the bag of luck runs out!
Just for fun
The best aviation photos, wallpapers, jokes and stories.

The worst day of flying still beats the best day of real work –

From personal experience, we can tell you that helicopter flying is an amazingly satisfying experience. Many helicopter pilots already have fixed wing licences since its a lot cheaper to learn the navigation and communication aspects on an aeroplane first, before transferring to the helicopter to learn how to manipulate the controls. A secondary benefit is that you will then be dual rated. Very useful!
Great video from Chase Aviation showing basic helicopter controls.